that's the reason i've been feeling cranky and irate for the past few days already. i have to carried all day long, my moms arms must've ached hehe. akala ni mami nahawa nya lang ako sa ubo't sipon nya but after 3 days with fever going up and down, my lola and lolo decided that we go see the nearest doctor. as of this writing, i no longer have fever but still taking antibiotics 4x a day, cough and cold syrup twice and thrice a day. rashes are starting to clear also.
my dad worries more than my mom but i love them both for taking care of me while i was sick.
by the way, i've had two blood test just to monitor my palette count. my parents now know that my blood type is O+ same as my dad's. cool coz i get to be a universal donor :)
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dani mangot while playing